Once I started really practically applying Hebrews 12 to my life, it was apparent that I was focusing on so many other things. God used yet another passage of scripture to help me see this so clearly. (Another exciting thing to see is how ALL of scripture works together. You can know that as fact, but until you experience it in your own heart….I can’t really put into words, how exciting it is to me!) The next passage was Philippians 4. Again, there’s a lot to glean from this chapter as well, but I’ll stick to my point. To summarize, Paul is talking to the believers about living with joyful maturity. There are four things in this chapter that will hinder my joy in Jesus: 1.) Disruptive Relationships 2.) Anxieties/Fears 3.) Undisciplined Thinking 4.) Focus on material possessions. They are all important, and I’ve struggled in every area, but the one that just hit me right between the eyes was “focus on material possessions”.
In verses 11-13, Paul says, “Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.”
Bear with me for a moment while I walk you through my thought process. I think it’s important because I don’t think I’m the only one that is this way. If I am, then y’all just hang in there until I’m done. J This was not the first time that I had heard a message on Philippians 4. I had heard countless messages about being content. I grew up in a wonderful family. God met our needs time and time again in amazing ways. We were not rich or even “well off”, but we were happy and cared for. Because I had learned a long time ago to know how to make do with what I have, even when it’s not a lot, I usually just skipped over these verses. Of course, I knew how to be content….I’ve been doing this all my life. The night that I heard this message, I really asked myself, Am I content? Do I focus on material things? If I was going to be honest and think truth, the answers were, No, I’m not content and Yes, I focus on material things. Here’s why. The root of a lot of my anxiety and fears, my “superwoman” complex, etc., was that I compared myself, my family, our house, our stuff to other people and their stuff. If I tried to list all the ways, it would really be endless. I was great at comparing myself to others all by myself, but do you know what helped me do that even more?? Facebook. Now, I am not a Facebook hater. I love that I can keep track of friends from so far away. BUT… I would look at FB and see how many pieces of furniture had been restored, how many rooms had been redecorated, how many loaves of bread had been baked, how many perfectly happy kids were dressed in perfectly matched clothes posing on perfectly manicured lawns…. You get the idea. I thought I needed to do all of that. I could not continue that kind of thinking and be happy and content. I repented of that, but it doesn’t mean that I don’t still struggle.
Here are some truths that I speak to myself:
No one is perfect or has a perfect life. I mean, let’s get real. Most people don’t post their dirty laundry (figuratively or literally) on FB. (I know there are exceptions. J )
My life has been designed by God just for me. I remind myself that I am the only one who is the wife of my husband, mom of my kids, secretary of my church, etc., etc., etc. No one else has my life, so why should I be trying to live someone else’s? God’s plan for me is unique. I need to live it with joy. Life is never going to be perfect or easy. As a matter of fact, there are lots of things that are downright hard and discouraging, but God doesn’t leave us to deal with it alone. I can do ALL things through HIS strength!
I am not in control; God is. I am the first-born in my family. I’ve always felt like I needed to swoop in and save the day. I am….well, I am a control freak. Let’s face it 99.9% of the things that we get mad at, sad about, hurt by, and afraid of are out of our control. The sooner we learn this, the better off we are.
What is under my control? My responses. Responding incorrectly just compounds the problem. I should seek to show Christ no matter what the situation.
Where is your focus? If you are not looking to Jesus, then you are focusing on the wrong things. I have not arrived. This is a daily struggle. Even as I share these things, I am put to the test over and over again.
Let’s get our focus on Jesus. Consider Him…lest you be weary and faint in your mind.