My Race To Win

Run with patience the race that is set before you. As followers of Christ, each of us has a customized race designed for our good and God's glory. I hope you are encouraged in your own race as I share lessons learned from mine.

Monday, November 14, 2011

I've Got a Plan....Is It God's?

I just love it when a great plan comes together!  Seriously.  I LOVE to plan things.  I am addicted to lists.  I will make a list of lists that I need to make—yes, it’s bad.  When life is crazy, list making gives me some sense of being in control.—remember, I’m a control-freak.  There is nothing more disconcerting for someone like me than when a plan fails.  Over the last few years, I have learned to be more flexible.  I have learned that the world won’t end if things don’t go as I have them planned.  How important are my plans anyway?  If my plan is not in line with God’s plan, then my plan is no good at all.

Think about this….for hundreds of years, the Jews watched and waited for their promised Messiah.  They imagined that He would deliver them from earthly oppression.  When Jesus was on earth, they expected that if He were truly the Messiah that He would overthrow the Romans and set up His kingdom.  Of course, that’s not what happened.  Jesus came without earthly “pomp and circumstance” and ministered to those who were rejected by society, yet He was the promised One.  Because the Messiah did not come in the way they expected, and He didn’t perform the function that they expected, He was largely rejected.

Does God ever provide for me in ways that I don’t expect?  Using means that I’ve not thought about?  I am often guilty of figuring out a plan that I think God should follow.  How foolish!  When I figure out the plan and wait for God to follow it, I miss out on watching God work.  Since the beginning of time, God has illustrated to us that He knows what is best, and His timing is perfect.  Why do I continue to fight that?

Of course, God knew we would struggle with this.  Over and over throughout scripture He encourages us, instructs us, and gives us examples to follow.  Here are some that immediately come to mind:

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.  For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8-9 

As for God, his way is perfect: the word of the LORD is tried: he is a buckler to all those that trust in him.  Psalm 18:30

Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him:  Psalm 37:7

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.  Isaiah 26:3

Even when life seems upside down and there is no “plan”, God has one.  He is not surprised by anything.  He, our loving heavenly Father, graciously provides what is best for each of us.  God doesn’t need me to plan for Him.  He just needs me to be willing to wait, watch, and follow. 

I have purposed to watch expectantly for what God is doing every day.  It’s amazing what you’ll see, if you just look!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Encouragement to keep following...

In our church's evening service this past Sunday, we sang 2 songs that were such a tremendous encouragement to me.  I love to really think about the words to songs as we sing them, and these two go right along with my most recent post.  Singing these brought tears to my eyes.  Another wonderful way to rehearse truth about God is through song.

I first learned I Will Follow (by Mac Lynch) when I was in high school.  Our tiny Christian school had an ensemble that traveled around to minister in local churches.  One of the songs we sang was I Will Follow.  I can't tell you how many times I've sung this since then, but it never gets old.  As a matter of fact, it's message grows sweeter.

I will follow Thee, my Savior, Where'er the pathway may go:
Thru' the storm or thru' the valley Or thru' great trials so low.

I will live for Thee, my Savior, Tho' war and strife mark the way.
I'm so weak, but Thou art mighty, So live thru' me day by day.

I surrender all, my Savior, I hold no thing back from Thee;
Every part is Thine to use, Lord, Thy living sacrifice be.

I rest in Thee, trust in Thee, I place my life in Thy hands.
I will follow Thee, my Savior; Lead on, my Shepherd, lead on.

The next song was Trust His Word (by Ron Hamilton).  It's a beautiful reminder of how our great God, the Creator of the universe is interested in our personal lives.

Jesus made each star in Heaven; He created earth and sea.
He's the keeper of all knowledge, What is past and what will be.
Yet He offers His great wisdom So you will not lose your way.
Like a lamp it glows; ev'ry step it shows.  You can know His will each day.

He is not a distant stranger; He can be your closest friend.
And He'll always listen closely When you share your heart with Him.
Jesus walks the path beside you; He has been there all along.
And He'll guide your feet when your step is weak, And your strength is almost gone.

Trust His Word!  Trust His Word!
All God's promises are true.  Trust His Word!
When your pathway disappears,
When your joy gives way to tears,
When your plagued with doubts and fears, Trust His Word!

What songs have encouraged you lately?