My Race To Win

Run with patience the race that is set before you. As followers of Christ, each of us has a customized race designed for our good and God's glory. I hope you are encouraged in your own race as I share lessons learned from mine.

Monday, June 29, 2015

For Such a Time as This

We are living in a complicated time.  You can’t go anywhere….physically, on TV, or online without being bombarded with stories, interviews, and opinions.  It is easy to feel pulled in all sorts of directions in an attempt to make sense of it all. 

I am quite literally living in the midst of the recent top news stories. This has given me many opportunities to evaluate for myself and to teach my children the facts surrounding these issues and what our responses should be. As a parent and as a teacher of History and Government, the events of the past couple of weeks have weighed heavily on my mind.  I didn’t want to just have an emotional, knee-jerk reaction, but I wanted to really think through how we ought to be handling these complicated issues.  After all, it is impossible to shield them from what’s going on.  The only seemingly positive thing lately has been the gracious, forgiving reaction of the families of the Charleston shooting victims.  But of course, along with that incident, the Confederate Flag flap has reared its ugly head.  And then, we have the landmark Supreme Court ruling on the issue of same-sex marriage.

I am not here to debate any issue.  I just want to make some observations.
  •       It seems the common thread in all of this controversy is that a minority is able to control the majority….which goes against the very definition of democracy. 
  •       In many cases, minority factions absolutely REFUSE to acknowledge that there could be another viewpoint.  Why does your minority have more rights than another?
  •       I do not equate the disagreement over the Confederate flag with disagreement over the Supreme Court decision.  The fact is that the flag really does mean different things to different people.  It just does. Having one or being in favor of it in no way means you are directly violating the laws of God.
  •      We all need to be careful of jumping on and off bandwagons as new stories/issues come to light.  Take your time and evaluate what’s happening from a “zoomed out” lens, not a microscope.
  •       Everything should pass through the filter of God’s Word

I wanted to share with you some things that I have found comforting from the Bible in light of what is happening in our world--especially as it relates to a governmental system that is seemingly departing from its original design or intent. 

From Esther…

In Esther 3:15 it says, The posts went out (notifying the people of the king’s decree to kill the Jews), being hastened by the king’s commandment, and the decree was given in Shushan the palace. And the king and Haman sat down to drink, but the city Shushan was perplexed.

Perplexed.  I would say that describes how I’ve felt lately.

In the next chapter, Mordecai tells Esther, Think not with thyself that thou shalt escape in the king’s house, more than all the Jews. For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father’s house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?

As Christians, how can we hold our peace? 

From 2 Timothy…

Our pastor mentioned this briefly in his sermon last night, and it got me thinking.  This book contains Paul’s last instructions (that we know about) to Timothy.  They were living under the rule of the Roman empire….under Nero, who was CRAZY!  It was not a pleasant time to be a Christian.  I encourage you to read the entire book in light of what is going on in our country presently.  It’s only 4 chapters, so it won’t take you long.  Here are some highlights:

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

19 Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

God’s not shocked.  He is in control.

Don’t be distracted by all that you see, hear, and read. 

Stand fast in the truth of God’s Word.

We are here for such a time as this!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Roller Coaster Rides

Roller coasters have been a frequent topic of conversation in our house lately.  Last week, Matt joined Carson on her 6th grade end-of-the- year trip to Carowinds.  Two days later, Zane was also able to visit the same amusement park.  (For those of you who haven’t heard of it, Carowinds is an amusement park in Charlotte, NC—not too far from us.)  The biggest attraction at Carowinds right now is their new roller coaster called The Fury.  It is an incredible ride—billed as the world’s tallest and fastest coaster.  (If you are really interested, you can search for videos online to see for yourself.)

Personally, I love roller coasters!  I LOVED going to Six Flags as a teenager and riding anything and everything.  As an adult, we’ve just never really gone to an amusement park. I’ve never really thought about why, but now I think I know.  Matt hates them.  He went with Carson on this trip, and the most daring thing they rode was 2 kiddie roller coasters.  He also enjoyed riding the carousel. Apparently, roller coasters are just not his thing, and although Carson looks just like me, she gets this same trait from him.  Zane, on the other hand, is my coaster lovin’ child.  He got to Carowinds and the very first thing he did was ride the world’s tallest and fastest coaster—The Fury.  That’s my boy!!

Well, I didn’t get to go to Carowinds this past week, but I had a roller coaster experience of my own.  It was called “The Last Day of School”.  I’m really not sure that I can adequately express all that I felt, but I’m going to try.  It is the end of the school year.  I am exhausted.  It is so nice to spend this weekend NOT doing lesson plans.  These past couple of days have been spent working in an empty classroom.  I love the quiet, yet I miss the conversations and the laughter that comes when the students change classes.  

Yesterday morning we had our awards program.  Afterwards, my 7th graders came to me to get their report cards and then….that’s it.  They are off for the summer.  Did I tell them everything I should have?  Not about science or math, but about God, about life.  

Then there were others that I know will not be back next year.  Did I give them anything that will last a lifetime?  

Then there are the seniors.  Graduation was last night.  You would have thought my very own children were graduating.  I was prepared with many tissues.  I can’t help it.  I love these students!  As annoying and trying as some of them can be sometimes, I love them!  

So, I’ve been on this “HAPPY, sad, ENERGETIC, tired” roller coaster over the past few days.  When all is said and done, I wouldn’t trade it for anything.  God has graciously given me the desires of my heart, and I am working my dream job.  Really.  

I’m so thankful for the lessons learned, and that I can rely on God for the strength and wisdom needed for this ministry of teaching.  I’ll enjoy my couple of months of down time, but I’m already thinking about next year and the next thrilling roller coaster ride.